I've come to believe that an animal-based diet, especially one that includes organ meats, isn't just safe for kids of all ages but can be incredibly beneficial!
Animal-Based Diet for Kids:
Here's the approach:
Centre the Diet on Quality Meats and Organs: From the moment they start on solids, they include organ meats in their diet, much like our ancestors would have.
Avoid High-Toxicity Plant Foods: Steer clear of vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes, opting instead for low-toxicity carbs like honey, ripe fruits, avocados, olives, squash, and white rice. If you want to dive deeper, check out my resources on animal-based eating.
No to Processed Oils and Certain Meats: Completely eliminate all processed vegetable and seed oils from your diet. Also, try to avoid meats from animals fed diets high in corn and soy due to their high linoleic acid content.
By following this diet, your kids will have more energy, better focus, increased strength, and what seems to be a stronger immune system.
Supplements for Kids:
When it comes to supplements, start with Beef Organs and Bone Marrow & Liver:
Dosage: Give one capsule for every 25 pounds of body weight. So, for a 100-pound child, that's four capsules a day; for a 75-pound child, three. Begin with one capsule daily for the first week to ease their bodies into it. If swallowing capsules is an issue, open them up and mix the contents into their food, preferably after cooking, to preserve the nutrients.
How To Serve It: I mix these into ground beef, scrambled eggs, avocado, or puréed fruit. Kids will enjoy it!